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Cave In summary:

A one-shot compilation with themes of suffering, crime, and betrayal, incorporating elements from gekiga.
- **Cave In**: A young man gets to the bottom of a mining incident from 20 years ago that isn't what it seems.
- **The Flowers and the Ruffians**: Ken is sent to a cabin that houses other vicious men in the barren north. His goal? Plant seeds, and have them flower on the land, no matter what.
- **Decisive Battle at Cannibal's Cape**: A team of soldiers is weary from long battle on an island. Some are willing to go to great extremes - even if it means some may be expendable...
- **The Ghost of the Jet Base**: Detective Hazama is called to investigate paranormal activity at an air base, but finds himself wrapped up in more than he bargained for.
- **Fire Valley**
- **Tatsumaki Voyage Log**
- **Wings and Stardust**
**Volume 319 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**

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A one-shot compilation with themes of suffering, crime, and betrayal, incorporating elements from gekiga.- **Cave In**: A young man gets to the bottom of a mining incident from 20 years ago that isn't what it seems.- **The Flowers and the Ruffians**:

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