Tsuki 50-man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii Chapter 31

Tsuki 50-man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii - H.MangaIro.com

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Tsuki 50-man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete


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Tsuki 50-man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii Chapter 31 summary

You're reading Tsuki 50-man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii Manga - Alternative :

It's Fun Having a 300,000 Yen a Month Job Welcoming Home an Onee-San Who Doesn't Find Meaning in a Job That Pays Her 500,000 Yen a Month; It's My Work That I Say to Her, "Okaeri" ; I’m Being Paid ¥ 300,000 a Month to Say ‘Okaeri, Kyo MO Ganbatta NE’ to a Hardworking Neighbor Oneesan Who Earns ¥500,000 a Month but ; Doesn’t Have a Use for the Money, Which Is Really Fun ; With a Pay of 300,000 Yen Per Month, I Was Hired to Do the Fun Job of Saying

, Author: Kiwadoi Shouri.