A comedy 4-koma manga revolving around the normal life at school of the minor characters of Fate/stay night and Fate/hollow ataraxia, specifically the character Himuro Kane, classmate of Fate/stay night protagonist Emiya Shirou.
It tells about the normal school life of the supporting characters Himuro Kane, Makidera Kaede and Saegusa Yukika. Other characters are the regular cast of the main games: Mitsuzuri Ayako, Tohsaka Rin, Ryuudou Issei, Matou Shinji, Emiya Shirou, Kuzuki Souichirou, Fujimura Taiga, Matou Sakura, Mitsuzuri Minori; "guest" characters from other series Ciel, Seven, Sajyou Ayaka (formerly the heroine of the never finished prototype novel of Fate/stay night) are also featured, and other classmates Gotou Gai, Fujimoto, Dezaki, Hirumata.
The story is centered around classic school events such as a ball game tournament, field trips and inter high school competitions. As such, there is no reference at all to supernatural things like magecraft and Heroic Spirits.
Latest | Newest | Top view |
ALL | Completed | Ongoing |
ALL | Action | Adult |
Adventure | Comedy | Cooking |
Doujinshi | Drama | Ecchi |
Erotica | Fantasy | Gender bender |
Harem | Historical | Horror |
Isekai | Josei | Manhua |
Manhwa | Martial arts | Mature |
Mecha | Medical | Mystery |
One shot | Pornographic | Psychological |
Romance | School life | Sci fi |
Seinen | Shoujo | Shoujo ai |
Shounen | Shounen ai | Slice of life |
Smut | Sports | Supernatural |
Tragedy | Webtoons | Yaoi |
Yuri |
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