Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru Chapter 62

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Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru Chapter 62 summary

You're reading Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru Manga - Alternative :

The Middle-Aged Newbie Adventurer, Trained to the Brink of Death by the Strongest Party, Became Unbeatable ; 大叔新人冒险者 被最强小队拼死锻炼后无敌了 ; 新米オッサン冒険者、最強パーティに死ぬほど鍛えられて無敵になる。

, Author: Ogino Ken,Tea,KISHIBA Kiraku.