Shokubutsu Mahou Chito de Nonbiri Ryoshu Seikatsu Hajimemasu Zense no Chishiki o Kushi Shite Nogyo Shitara, Gyakuten Jinsei Hajimatta Kudan Chapter 22

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Shokubutsu Mahou Chito de Nonbiri Ryoshu Seikatsu Hajimemasu Zense no Chishiki o Kushi Shite Nogyo Shitara, Gyakuten Jinsei Hajimatta Kudan Chapter 22 summary

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Start a leisurely lord life with a plant magic cheat After farming with the knowledge of the previous life, a reversal life began ; 植物魔法チートでのんびり領主生活始めます 前世の知識を駆使して農業したら、逆転人生始まった件

, Author: Iwasaki Takashi,Ryoto Kae,Sanneko.