I'm a former slave, but I tried to buy an oni slave who I later found to have too much energy so I want to throw him away... Chapter 39

I'm a former slave, but I tried to buy an oni slave who I later found to have too much energy so I want to throw him away... - H.MangaIro.com

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I'm a former slave, but I tried to buy an oni slave who I later found to have too much energy so I want to throw him away... Chapter 39 summary

You're reading I'm a former slave, but I tried to buy an oni slave who I later found to have too much energy so I want to throw him away... Manga - Alternative :

I Bought A Demon Slave But It's Too Strong That I Want To Throw It Away... ; Moto Dorei Desuga, Oni No Dorei Wo Katte Mitara Seiryoku Ga Tsuyosugiru Node Sutetai... ; 元奴隷ですが、鬼の奴隷を買ってみたら精力が強すぎるので捨てたい...

, Author: Amaharu Niko.