The Carefree Mage's Colonization Records: Starting a Cozy Slow Life with the Maids Chapter 1: To a new Future!

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The Carefree Mage's Colonization Records: Starting a Cozy Slow Life with the Maids Chapter 1: To a new Future! summary

You're reading The Carefree Mage's Colonization Records: Starting a Cozy Slow Life with the Maids Manga - Alternative :

Okiraku Onna Madoushi no Kaitakuki: Maid to Hajimeru Mattari Rakuraku Slow Life ; おきらく女魔導士の開拓記~メイドと始めるまったり楽々スローライフ~

, Author: Sasaki Sazameki,Sadakiyo Kazuhiko.