Kyuutei Mahou-shi Kubi ni Nattande,Inaka ni Kaette Mahou-ka no Sensei ni Narimasu Chapter 3: Endeavor Class' Situation

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Kyuutei Mahou-shi Kubi ni Nattande,Inaka ni Kaette Mahou-ka no Sensei ni Narimasu Chapter 3: Endeavor Class' Situation summary

You're reading Kyuutei Mahou-shi Kubi ni Nattande,Inaka ni Kaette Mahou-ka no Sensei ni Narimasu Manga - Alternative :

I was fired from a court wizard so I am going to become a rural magical teacher ; 宮廷魔法師クビになったんで、田舎に帰って魔法科の先生になります

, Author: Kitazawa Kyou,Sekai Rui.