Kuuki ga "Yomeru" Shinnyushain to Buaiso na Senpai no Hanashi Chapter 1

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Kuuki ga "Yomeru" Shinnyushain to Buaiso na Senpai no Hanashi Chapter 1 summary

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Kuuki ga 'Yomeru' Shinnyushain to Buaiso na Senpai: Pixiv-ban ; Kuuki ga "Yomeru" Shinnyushain to Buaiso na Senpai (Pre-serialization) ; 很会“读空气”的新进职员和冷漠的前辈 ; 很會讀空氣的新進職員和冷漠的前輩 ; 空気が「読める」新入社員と無愛想な先輩の話

, Author: Shu Torihara.