"Osananajimi ga Hoshii" to Tsubuyaitara Yoku Issho ni Asobu Onna Tomodachi no Yousu ga Hen ni Nattanda ga Chapter 3

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"Osananajimi ga Hoshii" to Tsubuyaitara Yoku Issho ni Asobu Onna Tomodachi no Yousu ga Hen ni Nattanda ga Chapter 3 summary

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「幼馴染みがほしい」と呟いたらよく一緒に遊ぶ女友達の様子が変になったんだが ; "Osananajimi ga Hoshī" to Tsubuyaitara Yoku Issho ni Asobu Onna Tomodachi no Yōsu ga Hen ni Nattanda ga ; When I Murmured, "I Want a Childhood Friend," the Behavior of My Female Friend I Often Hang Out with Changed.

, Author: Nekokuro.