Gakuen iDOLM@STER - Comic Anthology Chapter 5: Rice Ball Battle: Sticky Situation (Ogasawara)

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Gakuen iDOLM@STER - Comic Anthology Chapter 5: Rice Ball Battle: Sticky Situation (Ogasawara) summary

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学園アイドルマスター コミックアンソロジー

, Author: Hanada Momose, Zekkyou Aisu., Amepa (あめぱ), Otsu Dou (乙童), Homare, Ogasawara, Kasan (加算), Uma Ohagi, Okada Kirin, Sumi (角), Haru Uno (卯野はる), Inunisatiare (おヤサゐぬ).