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Yume yori Suteki na summary:

Darling Darling (ダーリン・ダーリン); Tsubomi Vol.6, 7 (2010)
About the sort of problems that arise in a relationship when one partner has a well-paying, high-stress job and the other doesn't. In the first half, the protagonist feels like her girlfriend is neglecting her. In the second half, the protagonist thinks about what she can do to help her girlfriend.

Yume yori Suteki na (ゆめよりすてきな); Vol.8 (2010/10)
Anata no Mono (あなたのもの); Vol.10 (2011/2)
Ibunka yori Ai wo Komete (異文化より愛をこめて); Vol.12 (2011/6)
Monologue Love (モノローグ・ラブ); Vol.13 (2011/8)
Romance Cord (ロマンス・コード); kakioroshi
Girls' Talk (ガールズトーク); kakioroshi

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Darling Darling (ダーリン・ダーリン); Tsubomi Vol.6, 7 (2010) About the sort of problems that arise in a relationship when one partner has a well-paying, high-stress job and the other doesn't. In the first half, the protagonist feels lik

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