The villain daughter wants to make a maiden game even if she reincarnates in another world! Why am I involved in hiding my hobby? Chapter 4

The villain daughter wants to make a maiden game even if she reincarnates in another world! Why am I involved in hiding my hobby? -

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The villain daughter wants to make a maiden game even if she reincarnates in another world! Why am I involved in hiding my hobby? Chapter 4 summary

You're reading The villain daughter wants to make a maiden game even if she reincarnates in another world! Why am I involved in hiding my hobby? Manga - Alternative :

Akuyaku Reijou wa Isekai Tensei Shite mo Otome Game wo Tsukuritai! Otome Shumi wo Kakushite ita ore ga Doushite Makikomarete iru nodarou? ; The Villain Daughter Wants to Make a Maiden Game Even if She Reincarnates in Another World! Why Am I Involved in Hiding My Hobby? ; Akuyaku reijō wa i sekai tensei shite mo otome gēmu o tsukuritai! Otome shumi o kakushite ita ore ga dōshite makikoma rete iru nodarou? ; 悪役令嬢は異世界転生しても乙女ゲームをつくりたい! オトメ趣味を隠していた俺がどうして巻き込まれているのだろう?

, Author: Erica Hazuki , HAZUKI Erika , MURASAKI Yukari.