Multiverse no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka? Chapter 3: Fate of the Confession

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Multiverse no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka? Chapter 3: Fate of the Confession summary

You're reading Multiverse no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka? Manga - Alternative :

Can I Fall in Love With a Multiverse? ; Czy multiwersowy ja może się zakochać? ; Czy to w porządku, żeby moje multiwersowe ja się zakochało? ; Em của đa vũ trụ có thể yêu anh được không? ; Is It Alright for My Multiverse Self to Fall in Love? ; Maruchibāsu no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka? ; マルチバースの私、恋していいですか?

, Author: Ichiki.