Once hailed as a soccer prodigy, high-school student Arai Haru transferred to a school far from her hometown, hoping to start a new life away from soccer. However, a new student, Osanai Satsuki, who admired Haru's past glory, appeared before her and declared her intention to join the soccer club which is on the verge of disbandment. This is a girls' soccer story about a girl who gave up her dreams and a girl who chases after it!
**What is a regista?**
The regista is a creative player who operates in front of the defence, almost always in a central position, and looks to get on the ball as often as possible. They are responsible for providing the link between defence and attack, and controlling the tempo of the game through their passing. The regista is also known as the deep-lying playmaker: they retain their deep position and dictate their team’s play with their distribution.
Source: https://www.coachesvoice.com/cv/what-is-a-regista-explained-jorginho-andrea-pirlo/#:~:text=They%20are%20responsible%20for%20providing,team's%20play%20with%20their%20distribution
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