This is a original story set in the world of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. In 1992, a small town in Canada called Planck's Creek is faced with the untimely death of a young woman, Patsy Paula. In this town that is a lot stranger than it seems, her childhood friends take on a bizarre adventure to unravel the mystery of her death.
Latest | Newest | Top view |
ALL | Completed | Ongoing |
ALL | Action | Adult |
Adventure | Comedy | Cooking |
Doujinshi | Drama | Ecchi |
Erotica | Fantasy | Gender bender |
Harem | Historical | Horror |
Isekai | Josei | Manhua |
Manhwa | Martial arts | Mature |
Mecha | Medical | Mystery |
One shot | Pornographic | Psychological |
Romance | School life | Sci fi |
Seinen | Shoujo | Shoujo ai |
Shounen | Shounen ai | Slice of life |
Smut | Sports | Supernatural |
Tragedy | Webtoons | Yaoi |
Yuri |
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