OO Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai vol.1 chapter 7 : The Mysterious Field! Student Council, Let's Hunt!

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OO Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai vol.1 chapter 7 : The Mysterious Field! Student Council, Let's Hunt! summary

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○○ Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai ; ○○せよ!! 戦国学園生徒会 ; Maru Maru Se Yo! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai ; Maru Maru Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai ; Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai

, Author: Shiina Ayumi (ii).