The White Mage Who Joined My Party Is a Circle Crusher, So My Isekai Life Is at Risk of Collapsing Once Again Chapter 5.1

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The White Mage Who Joined My Party Is a Circle Crusher, So My Isekai Life Is at Risk of Collapsing Once Again Chapter 5.1 summary

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最近入った白魔導士がパーティークラッシャーで、俺の異世界冒険者生活が崩壊の危機な件について ; 異世界パークラ ; Saikin Haitta Shiro Madoushi ga Party Crusher de, Ore no Isekai Boukensha Seikatsu ga Houkai ni Kiki na Ken ni Tsuite ; 最近加入的白魔导士是队伍破坏者,给我的异世界冒险者生活带来了崩坏危机 ; Isekai Circle Crusher

, Author: Hozumi Mitaka,Oyaji Sou.