Ee, Nouryoku Nashi de Party Tsuihousareta Ore ga Zenzokusei Mahoutsukai?! Chapter 3: The Chase

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Ee, Nouryoku Nashi de Party Tsuihousareta Ore ga Zenzokusei Mahoutsukai?! Chapter 3: The Chase summary

You're reading Ee, Nouryoku Nashi de Party Tsuihousareta Ore ga Zenzokusei Mahoutsukai?! Manga - Alternative :

えっ、能力なしでパーティ追放された俺が全属性魔法使い! ; I Was Expelled From the Party for Being Weak, but I'm an All-Attributes Magician! ; ¡Fui expulsado del grupo por ser débil, pero soy un mago de todos los talentos!

, Author: Takata Chihiro.