Yuusha Party O Oida Sareta Kiyou Binbou Vol.1 Chapter 1: A Swordsman who Reverted to Jack of All Trades

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Yuusha Party O Oida Sareta Kiyou Binbou Vol.1 Chapter 1: A Swordsman who Reverted to Jack of All Trades summary

You're reading Yuusha Party O Oida Sareta Kiyou Binbou Manga - Alternative :

Yuusha Party wo Oidasareta Kiyoubinbou: Party Jijou de Fuyojitsushi wo Yatteita Kenshi, Bannou e to Itaru ; The Jack-of-all-trades Kicked Out of the Hero’s Party ~ The Swordsman Who Became a Support Mage Due to Party Circumstances, Becomes All Powerful ; 勇者パーティを追い出された器用貧乏 ~パーティ事情で付与術士をやっていた剣士、万能へと至る~ ; 泛而不精的我被逐出了勇者队伍 ; 泛而不精的我被逐出了勇者隊伍

, Author: Miyakojinki , Kisaragi Yuri , Yonezo , TOGAMI Itsuki .