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Neko Ramen summary:

Neko Ramen is a Japanese four-panel comic strip manga. The comedy centers around a cat (Taishou) and his encounters while running a ramen shop. Taishou is the entrepreneurial ramen chef and sole proprietor of Neko Rahmen, the only restaurant in Tokyo run by a cat! His primary goal is to make money and expand his ramen business, with a secondary plan of customer satisfaction, or at least entertainment… Mr. Tanaka is a Japanese business man who is the only regular customer at Neko Rahmen, despite rarely receiving a decent meal. Mr. Tanaka plays the straight-man to the easily excitable and scheming Taishou. He is extremely diplomatic and polite, and will try to intervene to soothe Taishou when he gets agitated.

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Neko Ramen is a Japanese four-panel comic strip manga. The comedy centers around a cat (Taishou) and his encounters while running a ramen shop. Taishou is the entrepreneurial ramen chef and sole proprietor of Neko Rahmen, the only restaurant in To


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